Total War: Warhammer - Grim and the Grave

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Total War: WARHAMMER – The Grim & The Grave The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles. Two new Legendary Lords… …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees Two new additional Lord types Five all-new battlefield units

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CREATIVE ASSEMBLY, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)


SEGA, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)

Release date:

1 September 2016


Single-player, Action, Strategy

All Steam reviews:

Mostly positive (648)



The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.

  • Two new Legendary Lords…
  • …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
  • Two new additional Lord types
  • Five all-new battlefield units plus variants
  • Five new battlefields for custom battles and multiplayer battles
  • 18 elite Regiments of Renown

Ever-devious and ever-ruthless, the Unliving Aristocracy summons forth horrifying new threats to unman the forces of The Empire. Smelling blood on the tainted air, the Strigoi Ghoul Kings stir from their stale catacombs, while Mannfred’s darkest student, Helman Ghorst, pauses in his damnable studies and readies the Corpse-Carts for battle.

But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.

Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.

The Grim and The Grave.

New Legendary Lords

Volkmar The Grim
Volkmar The Grim is the Grand Theogonist, the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos in all its forms. When he accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of evil down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that his soul is forged of steel, and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Campaign bonuses
When Volkmar leads a Grand Campaign, any Flagellant you recruit into his army will gain improvements to their weapon damage and charge bonus stats, and will be cheaper to recruit.

Volkmar may embark on quests to earn his Legendary items. The Jade Griffon provides a passive augment that regenerates Volkmar’s health, while the Staff of Command brings a number of improvements to Volkmar’s combat skills, public order management and post-battle loot income.

Battle prayers
Volkmar can unlock three Grand Battle Prayers to utter in combat, improving the offensive and defensive capabilities of himself and those around him.

Unique mount
When Volkmar has unlocked his Battle Prayers, he gains access to the War Altar of Sigmar, a resplendent fighting platform replete with a vast bronze Griffon bearing Ghal Maraz.

Unique Skills
Volkmar has the unique skills Para Bellum Aeturnus and Heretic Hunter, which improve the abilities of Flagellants and Warrior Priests in both battle and campaign.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst was once a man, yet that life was ripped from him. The loss of his father and brothers to plague sent Ghorst into an obsessive madness; he began studying the black arts in the hope of returning his lost kin to life. Coming to the attention of Mannfred von Carstein, the Count taught him necromancy, transforming Helman into something beyond the grief-maddened man from Templehof.

Campaign bonuses
When chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Helman Ghorst confers a bonus to the casualty replenishment rate of all Vampire Counts armies. In addition, all units in Helman Ghorst’s army gain poison attacks.

Helman may embark upon a quest for The Liber Noctus, a legendary tome which weakens his enemies in battle, and enables him to use special abilities more frequently.

Unique Mount
Helman may unlock The Brothers Ghorst Corpse Cart. Drawn by the undead remnants of his brothers, this unique mount vastly improves his weapon strength and damage output.

Unique Spell
Awaken from the Grave, Helman’s unique spell, summons a unit of Grave Guard or, when upgraded, a Wight King to fight for him.

Unique Skills
Helman has the unique skill Leading from the Front which improves abilities of the plague-bearing Corpse Carts and the phantasmal Mortis Engine.

New Lords

Arch Lector
The High Priest of the Cult of Sigmar is the Grand Theogonist, and beneath him are his two Arch Lectors - grim, imposing figures, both on and off the battlefield. It is the duty of Arch Lectors to protect the populace and cast out evil. They epitomise the warrior courage of Sigmar himself, leading from the front where they manifest the power of the gods and inspire whole armies to acts of heroism.

Battle prayers
Arch Lectors can learn three Grand Battle Prayers to aid their armies in combat. Hammer of Sigmar improves the Arch Lector’s melee attack skill. Shields of Faith is an area-effect augment for nearby allies, improving their damage resistance. Soulfire is a large area-effect offensive power, causing mass magical damage to enemy units.

Strigoi Ghoul King
The pallid creatures known as Ghoul Kings are in fact once-proud Strigoi Vampires forced into a troglodytic existence. Though all Strigoi descend from the same ancient lineage of Ushoran, they have devolved to become something far fouler and more hate-filled than their brethren. The Ghoul Kings spend their days creeping through the hidden places of the world, but under cover of night, they wreak their vengeance at the head of a shambling army of Undead.

Powerful warriors and spellcasters, Strigoi Ghoul Kings wield a mixed lore combining spells from the Lore of Vampires and the Lore of Death, and may unlock and ride Terrorgheists into battle.

Unique Spell
Command of The Unliving, the Strigoi Ghoul King’s unique spell, summons a unit of Crypt Ghouls or, when upgraded, a unit of Crypt Horrors to fight for him in battle.

New Units

Corpse Cart
Drawn by shambling zombies, Corpse Carts act like magnets for Dark Magic, drawing their power from the land itself and re-animating the dead around them. Sometimes a Corpse Cart is hung with a great bell, the clapper of which is a fell lodestone of eldritch provenance. When necromantic magic is thick in the air, the bell tolls and ripples of Dark Magic emanate from the Corpse Cart.

As a magical support chariot, the Corpse Cart projects a magical aura known as the Vigor Mortis. This confers regeneration on the corpse cart and raises the melee attack of nearby undead units. With the Balefire upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an increased chance to miscast on nearby enemy wizards. With the Unholy Lodestone upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an area-effect regeneration augment on nearby friendly undead units.

Mortis Engine
The remains of Necromancers and Liche Lords are sometimes enshrined within a Mortis Engine, a cage of fused bone surrounded by trappings of grandeur, and borne to war by a host of spirits bound to the infernal device. Heavy with evil magics and painstakingly illuminated, the Blasphemous Tome the Mortis Engine bears has been crafted with such care that their creator's souls have passed into the leaves of human skin that form its pages. These books can be a boon to the twisted practitioners of necromancy.

As a magical support chariot, the Mortis Engine Regenerates hitpoints for itself and nearby friendly undead units, and causes magical damage to nearby enemy units within the same radius. The attendant Blasphemous Tome also increases the owner’s Winds of Magic power reserve. Upon destruction, the Mortis Engine explodes in a cataclysm of arcane energy, causing widespread damage to nearby friends and foes.



  • OS *:Windows 7 64Bit
  • Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0Ghz
  • Memory:3 GB RAM
  • Graphics:(DirectX 11) AMD Radeon HD 5770 1024MB | NVIDIA GTS 450 1024MB | Intel HD4000 @720P
  • DirectX:Version 11
  • Storage:35 GB available space
  • Additional Notes:*PC Integrated graphics chipsets require 4 GB RAM, e.g. Intel HD series.